Sustainability report 2019

Zg. Brnik, 21. 10. 2021 -  For the fifth year in a row, Fraport Slovenija's sustainable efforts have been comprehensively, concisely and transparently presented in the Sustainability Report, which has been prepared in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards.

A report presents our sustainably oriented operations in relation to the environment, in relation to ourselves, in relation to our passengers and all other important stakeholders in a balanced and credible manner.

Information and data are comparable to previous years, as we build our sustainable path in the dimensions of the past, present and future.In his introductory address,  Managing Director Zmago Skobir  wrote:  “The ongoing health crisis, which has exposed vulnerability of the human system, has on the other hand brought one of the most significant benefits for our planet. The sky had been virtually empty of any aircraft for the last few months, which consequently caused a dramatic fall in carbon emissions. This global crisis, which is full of uncertainties and concerns, has also brought along some opportunities. For our planet."  And he adds:  "The world has changed, it is crucial that we know how to live more responsibly."

Fraport Slovenija's reporting on a sustainable dialogue with all stakeholders conveys just that. That as a company we strive for advanced, but sustainably responsible business.

“Kriza, ki prinaša toliko negotovosti in skrbi, prinaša tudi priložnosti. Za naš planet. Svet se je spremenil, ključnega pomena je, da bomo znali odgovorneje živeti.”

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