News & Media Room


Protocol when filming and photographing

The protocol establishes rules and conditions for entrance and stay of public media representatives in public, monitored and secure airport areas in cases of exceptional security events (arrival or departure of celebrities, demonstrations, incidents, serious incidents, emergency procedures, airport accidents and other occasions which may attract the interest of the public and the media).
Everybody must respect and act accordingly to provisions of the Aviation Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, 18/2001) and the regulations that were issued according to the act.

If the event is announced beforehand and clearly predictable (such as the arrival of athletes or media personalities etc.), public media representatives must report their arrival in advance to our Safety and Security Services at 04/20 61 151, fax: 04/20 61 106, e-mail:  To avoid any possible complications or delays with permits, please announce your arrival at least 24 hours beforehand.

Please also notify Public Relations Consultant Brigita Zorec on +386 4 20 61 103; +386 41 757 885 or

The announcement should contain the following data:

  • name of the media,
  • purpose of the visit,
  • date and time of visittime and duration
  • personal data on journalists, cameramen and photographers (name, surname, date of birth, number of personal document), type, colour and registration of the vehicle (if known beforehand),
  • area of the airport to be recorded,
  • name, surname and telephone number of the contact.

Media representatives must check in at the information counter upon arrival at the airport or before the beginning of the recording. They will be greeted by an employee of Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport who will also introduce them to all security measures regarding their visit and movement restrictions at the airport.

Safety and Security Services must process applications in a timely manner and in cases of high- or low-risk scenarios act in accordance with provisions for such occasions.

Safety and Security Services must notify all departments which are necessary for the operational execution of the measures, all departments whose work is disturbed due to these measures and all departments which must be made aware of these measures due to the nature of their work or due to legislative provisions.

In cases of exceptional events (unannounced or unforeseeable events, such as incidents or accidents) at Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport which are connected to Aerodrom Ljubljana plc, Brigita Zorec is authorised to give official statements to representatives of the public media.
The meeting point for public media representatives is at the information counter in the passenger terminal. For any additional information, Brigita Zorec should be contacted.
In case of an exceptional event, journalists entry into the restricted part of the airport may be authorised by the company management or the traffic manager. In order to enter the secured area, authorisation by the airport police is also necessary.
In case the media are authorised to visit the scene of the event, Aerodrome Ljubljana plc will ensure escort for the media.
In case the media are not authorised to visit the scene, Aerodrom Ljubljana plc will issue a press statement.
As a rule, press statements are communicated in the press centre.
In case the exceptional event occurred in the public part of the airport, the journalists, as a rule, need no security escort. However, instructions issued by security must be respected.
In case exceptional events occur at the airport pertaining to airlines, flight control, government agencies or other institutions, press statements will be issued by representatives of these institutions.

Varnost in varovanje

Najave fotografiranj in snemanj

+386 4 2061 151
Korporativno komuniciranje

Medijska vprašanja


Photo Library



Take a look at   selected photos of Ljubljana Airport and the new passenger terminal. Contact us to get high quality photos.  

Graphic image

Logos of Fraport Slovenija, d.o.o., and Ljubljana Airport are available for you to download in different formats. Each use of our graphic image has to be agreed with Corporate Communications of Fraport Slovenija.